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En este blog estaremos publicando entradas relacionadas con Negocios Electrónicos, Marketing por Internet y el uso de Web 2.0 en estas áreas. El blog es un ejercicio de una clase de posgrado de la Universidad de las Américas Puebla, así que creo que encontrarán en él información interesante y actual sobre estos temas.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Is your privacy protected on Web 2.0 ?

Hi everyone,

You will find here an article which deals about privacy and Web 2.0

As everyone share and communicate information in the Web, is there after all, something private on Web 2.0 ?

Indeed, almost everything is available online. You can do anything, from searching information to apply for a job, from reading articles to spend time and information in Facebook... or elsewhere. In the end, you “give” a huge amount of information on the Web. But this article warns us on the fact that “every computer system in the world now can be breached. 

And actually, losing control of an organization’s information or privacy is directly linked to error, negligence and cybercrime. And this costs a lot to those who lost that information!

Here is the map of Cybercrime:

As you can see, United States and China are the most implicated. Thus, a parenthesis should be done between this article says, “Cyber war” and the recent issue which happened between Washington and Peking (see below in this blog to read more about this).

“It is important to look at the components of Web 2.0 to understand why privacy is such a problem” says the author of this article.

He shows the three components Web 2.0 is made. I invite you to read this here as it is a bit complicated. 

Finally, I think that everyone should buy or have protections to prevent others to steal your personal or important information. Even if risks will always be there.

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